
Lately, I’ve had a chance to reflect on where we are, and how we’ve come here. How thankful I am to people who have tread before me, making my paths smoother.

I realize I take so many things for granted, but all these freedoms, all these conveniences, came with sacrifice.

I’m thankful for the Civil Rights movement and the people who sacrificed their time, conveniences, and even their own lives, for something they believed in. Thanks to them, my life is possible. I’m thankful for women and men who fought for my right to vote. I’m thankful for people who stood up for me when they didn’t know me, stood up for my right to speak my own mind, stood up for my right to be who I am.

We stand on so many shoulders but the world is not done yet. There are still people oppressed, suffering, asking for their right to be well. Happy. Themselves. And if we’re satisfied where we are, who will stand for them? Who will stand for us when it’s our turn?

So I’m grateful for activists who make people uncomfortable. They are the ones who will make change. They are the hope of the future. People who care enough to make others move from a spot of comfort to make room for others. I’m sorry that I haven’t done this. Haven’t spoken up. Perhaps we all should more.




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